Destin, Florida.... We're here! It's been a long time since we started getting excited for this trip and we just made it. It was quite an adventure, too. I've never been on a little jet before, so the flight over was a new experience. It was funny because Mary had said she was the scared on flights, and I assured her I was just fine flying. WRONG! haha. Being on a tiny plane is much different than a huge commercial one. It was nice that we only had to be there a whole ten minutes before takeoff and we didnt have to worry about checking in luggage or anything. But when we took off...oh boy. I feel sorry for Mary's hand, I kinda squeezed it too hard at times. Mary was all cool and collected and I was about to fall apart. Of course I put on a strong face, but I was terrified lol. But it got much better when we were in the open air and out of the clouds. Yup, the rest of the flight was great. I'm already so thankful and lucky to be able to go this trip with Mary. It's gonna be a ton of fun. :)

So here's a couple pics :)
Charlie wasn't paying attention...


There we go :)
(Oh and please excuse the hair...the wind makes me look like I'm Alphalpha haha)