This will be a really random post. I finally uploaded some pictures, so here goes.

Senior Sunday:
Yay! The seniors were recognized in church today and I even sat in the third row with Shelly to watch it all happen. It was pretty cool, actually. Very different from sitting up in the nosebleed section every Sunday, so good change of scenery. Anyways, here's Andrew and I, thanks to the skillful photography skills of Christopher Scott Heflin. You did a great job! (Happy now? You're in a post :) by the way, was it necessary to get the copy machine in the picture too? haha jk man) It was great to see everyone so nicely dressed up and spiffy for standing in front of thousands of people. Good times. Crazy to think I was up there just a year ago. Wow. Time sure does fly. Oh and guess what!?!?! Andrew got accepted to A&M!!! Woohoo! It was really sweet to be with him when he got the great news. Don't think any hug could top that one, he was way excited and squeezed a little too tight. haha. But yes, we're all very proud of him. :)

Silliness with Codykins:
I was tyring to get a recent picture of Cody and I last week, but he just refused to cooperate. This was the best one I got of the day lol. Mostly cute because I look good and Cody seems to be saying, "Whaaaat?" haha. Silly boy.
Got her to smile!!!
While babysitting Joy, Charlie, and Ty, I managed to get a cute picture of Joy and I. Woohoo! Isn't she a cutie? This took a lot of playing peekaboo and tickling to get a smile out of her. Fun times.

Here's that Tiger I promised everyone:
I know I said I would upload this sooner, but I totally forgot. So here it is! The masterpiece that Andrew and I started, and I finished. Pretty cool, huh? But shhh, don't tell anyone that it was a Paint-by-Number painting. ;)
