I finally got to see Andrew after a week apart! Mr. Journey and I went to his All Star football game yesterday and it took all the effort in my body to not just jump over the railing and go hug him on the field! I kept looking at my watch the whole time and was anxious for the end of the game. Yay we won! 13 to 3! Now I had my sights set on Andrew and I rushed through the crowd to get to him asap. I was debating whether or not to make a scene and jump into his arms or something crazy like that, but when the moment came, I just gave him the biggest hug I could give and he pretty much lifted me off the ground. :) And you'll never guess what happened next...he kissed me! Our first public kiss in front of a ton of people! It was so sweet :).

Thanks to Mr. Journey who had his phone handy for a picture! :)

It was so great seeing him after such a long week. We've been apart for that long before but it was just different this time. I speak for both of us when I say we grew so much over that week and really appreciate each other so much more. It was so wonderful hanging out for the 30 min after the game, too. Yes, it was very short because it was so late, but it was still so precious.

This morning I woke up at 5 am to get ready to take him to the airport by 7. I was so excited to see him again that I showered and got ready in half an hour! That's like record time for me! lol. We made sure to savor every minute of the car ride to the airport, which was half silence, but still incredible. I had debated in my head if it was a good idea for me to actually take him and ship him off to Colorado, seeing as how I am way too emotional of a person lol. But in the end, I was so happy that I got to see him a little bit more and even kiss him goodbye. (Oh that was our second public kiss! lol)

So now we will be apart for about three and a half weeks. As hard as it may be, we both talked about how we will only grow in our relationship together and can't wait to be that much closer to each other when we both get back to Texas.

Saying hello after a week was so sweet, saying bye for almost a month was bitter sweet, but saying hello after that will be indescribable. :)