I don't know how poeple can commute to work. I can't even imagine being my dad and driving back and forth the California every other week! Going to UTD three times a week is not my cup of tea. But guess what! On my way to school today, i realized I only have to come here another four days!!! That's it! Just four more days! Oh what a relief. CCCC will be so much closer and easier. Not to mention how much I'll be saving on gas money lol. So ya, just thought I might share how ecstatic I was to realize school is almost over and the summer is almost here. :) Woohoo!

The right combination of elements made for an amazing weekend. Chilling with Andrew on Friday, work on Saturday morning, chillin with Andrew again, church Sunday morning, date with Daddy for lunch, chillin with Andrew again, then iLive game night!!! Woop Woop!

Ok so let me go into detail.
1) Friday night: After a long day of school and working out, yes working out! Gotta get in shape for the summer! lol..anyways, after along day, I got to spend some time with Andrew. :) We went to Central Park for some Apologetics 101 from Andrew, then Chilli's, where I managed to convice him to let me pay for dinner! Crazy right!? He never lets me take care of anything! But he finally gave up and let me, thanks babe :) Then went back home to watch Lost Season One. Yup, I'm very late to get into the Lost craze lol.

2) Saturday morning, woke up way early, yes- 8 am is waaayy too early for a Saturday morning, but work is important too. So after work and a ton of house cleaning, got to see Andrew again. Then, out of nowhere, I called Shelly to see what she was up to, and realized she was chilling by herself for dinner. Well what a coincidence! So was I! So at 8:30 we decided to go out to dinner together! Yay us! Had a fabulous time catching up.

3) Sunday morning finally rolls around and church was great. Even got to star in a skit for our J56 kiddos! That was funny. Then date with Daddy. Hadn't had one of those in a while, so it was an especially sweet time with my Daddy. :) Had La Madeline's and enjoyed catching up. Then chilled with Andrew, yet again, yup, can't get enough of him lol. After watching some more Lost, the iLive gang came over for game night! Oh, so very tired after that. The second I hit the bed, I passed out.

So now it's already Tuesday, and just 6 more days of school! Woohoo!! First year of college coming to a close. (sigh of relief) Well probably should get back to work. Cody is asleep but I gotta get to cleaning up all his toys.

I just spent way too long trying to spruce up my blog layout design. All this nonsense of html codes is driving me crazy! I finally figure out how to make and add a picture slideshow, and then it decides not to start automatically! Gah! I give up for today. I really should be doing my homework, but no, I decide to waste time and click around my blog all morning. Oh darn, now I'll be getting a lecture from Mommy if she reads this. Oh well.

Well I guess I should be getting to my biology homework and psychology studiyng. Woopdeedoo. The only thing motivating me to finish is having more time to hang out with Andrew tonight! Yay! Yesterday felt really weird not having dinner before church. But it's all good, he was out being amazing at district track and then chilling with his family.

Ok now I really should be going, or I won't get anything done today. Tootles!

My job is truly a blessing. I love opening the door to a smiling little Cody, ready to play, laugh, and sometimes even cry. Cody is such a cutie patootie! Today his favorite thing to do was crawl away from me and look behind him to see if I was chasing him. He kept squirming to the laundry room and office. And when I didn't follow him, he would poke his little head out from behind the door and look at me smiling. He's a silly boy.

Oh and the yelling game! Funniest thing ever! Cody just yells and I yell back and it's a all out yelling party. We can yell all day, like no joke.


The cutest part of the job is when Peaches, the little nickname I gave Cody, falls asleep on me. Today we laid down on the couch with him on my tummy and he fell asleep watching tv. It was sooo sweet. I almost didn't want to take him up to his crib because he was so precious. Now I just have to wait for him to wake up and get back to the fun and games of the job.

So it's 12:04 on Tuesday morning and I am up making a blog. Can you tell I'm a bit crazy? Well anyways....THIS IS MY FIRST BLOG POST EVER! I always had so much fun reading Mary and Carley's blogs that I decided to make one of my own. So here it is! Woohoo! I think I'm more excited than I probably should be, but oh well. This is fun. Took forever to pick out a cute template, and I'm still not sure if I like this flowery design, but it'll work for now. Well I guess I should be going to bed. I gotta wake up early to go to work and have a fun day with little Cody. Nighty night!