So I think I might make this a habit, a post about what made me happy on Thursdays. We’ll see how this goes.

1. Woke up way energized for my History II test. (I think it was the meds doing the trick cuz there’s no way I’d ever be that hyper at 5:40 am after only 3 hours of sleep)

2. Walked out of that test very confident! Crossing my fingers now!

3. Watched Modern Family in the library again (except this time I didn’t struggle to keep from laughing, I was struggling to stay awake. Those meds were wearing off…

4. Got to Skype my babe :)

5. Daddy came home from his trip!!! And brought my uncle Radu with him too..but more importantly, Daddy came home!

6. Ate some Gomboti (a Romanian desert my grandma sent up with my dad, they were yummy)

7. Went to work and followed through with a slight lesson in mini discipline!! Woop woop! I usually give in to crying kids since they are not mine and I don’t have to deal with them later, but this time I made that little boy sit at the table and finish his food. It was either finish his food and go play or sit at the table and cry until his daddy came home. Yup, I won! He ate the whole plate! Took a lot of strength to not cry right along with him or just set him free form the table, but I did it.

8. Came home to a very quiet house, no homework, just me in my peaceful room just relaxing.

9. Remembering Andrew comes home tomorrow! Woohoo! :)

Ok well I should probably get some sleep before the hyper phase of my meds kicks in again. Night everyone!