Monday I have class in the morning, and then I'm off to College Station for my New Student Conference and Registration. I've been looking forward to it until now, but now I'm sorta freaking out. This is it. I'm actually going to make my schedule, take campus tours, and officially become an Aggie. This is all too real. It came way too fast.

It seems like just the other week I was excited to apply, then anxious to find my acceptance letter in the mail, and now its finally here. I'm not saying that I'm not excited anymore or anything like that. I'm very excited. But at the same time my stomach is churning.

It finally hit me that I only have about 3 more months at home in Frisco, and then I'm off on my own. It seemed like such a better idea back when I was still dreaming about it and didn't actually have it. I know everything will be alright and it'll all work out and I've been praying about this next few days for everything to go smoothly, but I still have butterflies like crazy. Luckily Lauren, one of the friends I will be living with, will be in town and come with me to all the events and steps of becoming a student. At least I know I won't get terribly lost on that crazy huge campus. :)

So wish me luck! Prayers for a safe road trip and great couple of days would be greatly appreciated. :)

Ok so if you don't know the background behind this, here it is:
Mary does this thing where she takes pictures of every outfit she wears and blogs about it every Wednesday. I know she got the idea from someone else, but I first saw it on her blog. I've been wanting to do it for a long time, but never actually got into it. But his week I did! So here goes! :)


Shirt: Target Clearance two weeks ago- $6
Shorts: H&M in Vienna, Austria 4 years ago- $16 or so
Sandals: Target last month- $14
Satchel : Fossil- $I kinda splurged :)


Shirt: Macy's last year- $don't remember
Skirt: Anthropology- Hand me down from my mother, I envied that skirt ever since she bought it two years ago!!! I pretty much love it :)
Shoes: Target sale- $13


Tank top: Charlotte Russe- $7.50
Cardigan: Target last year- $13
Jeans: Viggos Studio- $32
Owl Necklace: Charlotte Russe- $8


Tank top: Charlotte Russe- $7.50
Jeans: Viggos Studio- $28 (on sale!)
Sweater: Hand me down from Ariana
Necklace: present from Andrew :)

Well yay this was fun :)

Oh but i forgot Wednesday. Don't worry, today was a sweats and hair up kind of day. Nothing special. Can't wait till next week!!!

(Oh and idk why but Blogger won't let anyone post comments on my blog...I'll look into that.)

Wow! It’s been forever since I’ve written a blog. Ok, well actually only seven months, but it felt like forever ago. So now that school is finally over (pause to do a little victory dance) I can get back to writing about more interesting things.

This last semester was a beat down. I didn’t even have my normal 15 hours, only 12 hours of class, but it was still intense. If I’ve told you about my philosophy class and math class, you would understand. I don’t speak math, and the little fuse in my brain for philosophy was always burned out. So you can see where frustration might have been overwhelming. But no worries, I survived and I’m moving on.

It’s summer now!!! So excited! Time to lather on the sunscreen, sit by the pool, and just relax. I intend to do that a lot more this summer than ever before (Although beating last summer’s record of ten hours on the beach in Florida for a week will be tough). I was planning on working 24/7 and saving for the future and school and gas money and things like that, but this past year has been a long and busy one, so I’ll take advantage of the little time I have home to just enjoy the simple things and not rush through summer. I’ll still be taking care of my favorite little two-year-old boy, Cody, though. :)

The Plan:

1. I know its summer, but I have to make up for lost classes over last semester by taking a quick Maymester. World Lit II. Just a lot of reading and discussion. Just two weeks long, no big deal.

2. Registering for classes at A&M! Oh by the way, I’m in! I found out a long time ago but as you know, I haven’t been on here in a long time.

3. Read at least three books. One fiction, one nonfiction, and a Christian sort of book (by that I mean like go through my mother’s library or have a fun day at Mardel reading the back covers of every book until I find one that will speak to me.) And of course keep up with my own devotionals. (I can’t remember reading a book cover to cover that wasn’t for school, so I’m excited to do some fun reading.)

4. Go to California with the family!!! Best part is that Andrew will be joining us! Yay! He can finally see my favorite beaches, visit my very best friends, and of course meet some of my folks. Poor guy. He has been optimistic about the trip, so I’m praying it all goes well. :)

5. Learn a few different dishes to prepare. Already talked to Mommy and she said that every day I’m off from work, meaning Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, we will have fun trying out new dishes and meals. Looking forward to it! Especially since I’ll be moving out soon and need to know a lot more than how to make spaghetti and cereal.

6. Start writing What I Wore Wednesday posts! I love, love, love how Mary does her WIWW blog posts, and every time I get dressed I pretend to take a picture of my outfit as if I’ll write my own posts. But now I’ll actually do my own. :)

7. Find ways to motivate myself to workout. I’m great about starting all kinds of new routines, but terrible at sticking with them. Three days in and I’m throwing in the towel. So ya, I need to work on that. Maybe get back into P90X, although I dread it more and more these days.

8. Read and outline my psychology book from my first course freshmen year. I’ll be diving right into all my major course once I get to A&M and it would be smart to have a leg up on as much information as I can. I’ve taken the introductory course at UTD, but I’ll have to take it again at A&M seeing as how only their major courses are accepted for graduating.

9. Relax. I know I listed a lot of stuff to get done this summer, but I’ll have three months, and only about 20 hours of work every week. So relaxing is a must if I intend to stay sane through my next year out of the house and totally out of my comfort zone.

Ok so that was a long post, but it was nice to write out all my goals/plans. Now I have to keep up with them.