In order of which they happened today-

1. Actually staying awake in my 7 am class today

2. Making a perfect cup of coffee (which is difficult for me, I never seem to get the right combination of cream and sugar)

3. Watching Modern Family in the library between classes and getting funny stares while I try to laugh quietly

4. Acing my history test!!!! (which I didn’t really study for)

5. Skype with Andrew today

6. Wearing my new A&M shirt

7. Getting a note on my sandwich from Mommy

8. Finding a pack of gum in my car that I had forgotten about (although the gum was kind of stale)

9. Playing hide and go seek with Whit, Brinley, and Creighton (actually even thought I lost Brinley for five minutes… she was a pro today, hid in the drapes behind the side of the bed and didn’t make a sound…I actually had to yell around the house for her to come out, promising she would not be “it” for coming out of hiding)

10. Managing to burn a batch of cookies and not getting upset about it because I was busy taking care of three little kids (no worries though, if you dipped them in milk long enough they got soft and chewy. So besides the slightly blackened surface of the cookie, they were perfect!) haha
Sidenote- As I was making the cookies, which were just the frozen kind you pop in the oven for 10 minutes (I know what you thinking, “Wow, and she still burned them!? Yes I did, you try hearing the oven beep while corralling a 2, 3, and 5 year old for dinner while the tv is blasting), Whit complained that he didn’t like those kind of cookies. So I said he didn’t have to eat any. When they came out, he wanted to try one, and kept saying, “I like these cookies….no wait, No I don’t like these cookies. Well actually I might like these. They are kinda good, I think, I just don’t wanna hurt your feeling since you cooked them for us.” Precious. So I assured him its was ok if he didn’t like them, I didn’t actually make them, so I wasn’t the least bit offended.

11. Getting off work early and making it to the family bbq at Ariana’s for dinner.

12. Blasting music and singing at the top of my lungs with Valery on the way to take her home

13. Watching the A&M v OSU game with Brayden and Landon at work after dinner

14. Playing football in the house during game commercials

15. Managing to avoid smashing our heads into the walls and corners of furniture while being tackled

16. Babysitting boys old enough to get themselves ready for bed while I just chilled on the couch.

17. Having quiet time and journaling.

18. Getting into bed in a room with a slight chill, which makes snuggling into a warm down comforter 100 times better.

Night night everyone!


This weekend was an amazing weekend of a lot of firsts

Brace yourself, this is a long post…

Friday morning I woke up excited and had my car all packed up to go to A&M for the first time to visit Andrew. Thankfully Carley got out of work early so I was on the road at 4:30. I was shaking! The first ten minutes were so scary! All I could think about was, “I’m crazy, driving 4 hours by myself to a new place…what am I thinking!?” But then I had a little pep talk with myself, yes I know talking to myself may be insane, but it worked! I calmed down and just kept on driving. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Actually kind of relaxing. But when I saw that sign that read: Bryan 36 miles…. I GOT SO EXCITED!! I was almost there! So that was my first mini road trip alone.

I finally arrived at 8 and took forever to find parking. After parking and texting Andrew where I would be on campus, I called Lauren so she could direct me through it all. As I was power walking through the Welbourn tunnel (yes! speed walking, regular walking was too slow of a pace on my way to see my babe for the first time in two very long weeks!) I had a very amazing surprise! Andrew was just 15 feet to my left! So I pretty much charged at him and jumped on him! He caught me and we had to the best reunion ever. Poor Lauren tho, I accidentally hung up on her in the process. No worries, I called her to apologize a few minutes later. :) So that was the first reunion with my babe at A&M.

Andrew then took me on a tour of the campus. I tried my best to keep track of what he was showing me but I was way too tired and excited to internalize it all. I was just in a daze of finally being with him again. It was wonderful. At about 10 pm we went to Kyle Field to save seats for all of Andrew’s outfit for Midnight Yell. Oh. My. Gosh. Midnight Yell. That was intense!!! But so much fun!!! Lauren was sweet, she fed the lines to me for every yell and song two seconds before they came up so I could stay on track with everyone. Oh, and the part where the lights go out and you get to kiss your date was also amazing ;) So that was my first Midnight Yell and it was fantastic!
After midnight yell Lauren and I went home to her house and had a fun sleepover in her room with Jessica, too. Talked for a while and then feel asleep around 3 am. Woke up Saturday morning and got all prettied up to go see Andrew again. Yup, got my game day dress on and my clutch in hand and I was ready to experience my first game day, as a Corps girlfriend. I got to campus and found Andrew easily, thank goodness. That place is so darn big I was overwhelmed the whole weekend! It’s a whole city over there! Anyways, had a yummy bbq lunch with Andrew’s outfit, S-1, and his parents. Then he gave us a tour of his dorm room. Well, if you call walking up one flight of stairs and barely walking two feet into his room a tour, then I guess it was a tour. Poor guy, that room is so small and lifeless; I would never be able to live in such a place. I’d need my decorations, picture frames, fun throw pillows and blankets…but no, he only has a bed, desk with his laptop on it, and footlocker on the floor. Yup, I’d die. So that was my first day chillen with Andrew at A&M.

Now I’ll move on to the game…..WOW! Before the game we watched Andrew and the rest of the corps march in. Now that was a sight. Everyone all in uniform, walking in straight lines, having a mean look on their faces, ya, I was a bit intimidated. After watching them march in and finally finding Andrew in the stadium, we got to our seats and sat down for the first time in a couple hours. Oh it felt good, and I had to savor it because these Aggieland people stand the whole entire game!!! Our poor, tired legs only rested about 15 minutes and then the game was off! First quarter flew by, with (if I can remember correctly) two touchdowns. Ok, this is where the game got great. I LOVE this tradition! Whenever A&M scores, you get to kiss your date! Ahh! Ya, that was sweet :). By the end of the game I was more than ready to get outa there and eat and relax. So we waited for the guys, that is Lauren (Andrew’s roommates girlfriend and I) to change and then I took us all out to Jimmy Johns for a yummy 11 pm sandwich. After dinner, Andrew and I went to hang out at Lauren’s house (the Lauren I had known from before, not the roommates Lauren- sorry, just thought I should clarify) and we had some great conversation together. So that was my first A&M game! Whoop whoop! It was also my first game with Andrew sitting next to me! I’ve been to all his games before, but this was the first time we watched together :) Oh, and Andrew’s and mine first legit double date with his roommate and gf!

Sunday morning I woke up, got ready, and picked Andrew up for church. We went to Grace Bible church, and it was great! Then we went to lunch at Raising Cane’s. That was yummy too. It was so hot outside that we only strolled around campus for a few minutes and then headed back to Lauren’s house to chill and talk. It was really nice just relaxing and chatting like we usually did when he was still in town. :) I had to drop him off back at campus by 4, so the rest of the night I chilled with Lauren and we went out to dinner together. Actually got to sleep at a decent time Sunday night, 11 pm instead of 2 am. So that was my first Sunday with Andrew in College Station and going to Grace Bible church. :)

Monday was kind of slow. I woke up, packed my car up, said bye to the girls, and went to campus to see Andrew for a couple hours between his classes. That was fun. Well except the part where I had to kill time when he had a class, but oh well. We had lunch together and then it was time to say goodbye. Which surprisingly was not as hard as I thought it would be. Just kinda side hugged him, he kissed the top of my head (because he’s not supposed to kiss me in uniform), and he walked into the building and I walked towards the parking lot, which was like a mile away….About a minute into my walk, it starts pouring. Like bucketsful. I was drenched in a matter of seconds. Then tried to dodge the rain by going through buildings, and got very lost. Ended up on the opposite side of where I was supposed to be, all wet, and cold, and tired, and sad about leaving Andrew. It’s a miracle I didn’t burst out into tears. But thankfully I have an amazing friend, Lauren, who came to the rescue. She drove from her house to the parking garage I was hiding from the rain in, picked me up, and drove me to my car. I love her, she’s such a blessing. So then I was finally on the road. Three and a half hours later I was home. Showered, ate dinner, and went to sleep. So that was my first goodbye to Andrew at A&M, my first time getting caught in rain on campus, my first trip back. Fun weekend. Now I can’t wait to go back!!! :)