
This will be a really random post. I finally uploaded some pictures, so here goes.

Senior Sunday:
Yay! The seniors were recognized in church today and I even sat in the third row with Shelly to watch it all happen. It was pretty cool, actually. Very different from sitting up in the nosebleed section every Sunday, so good change of scenery. Anyways, here's Andrew and I, thanks to the skillful photography skills of Christopher Scott Heflin. You did a great job! (Happy now? You're in a post :) by the way, was it necessary to get the copy machine in the picture too? haha jk man) It was great to see everyone so nicely dressed up and spiffy for standing in front of thousands of people. Good times. Crazy to think I was up there just a year ago. Wow. Time sure does fly. Oh and guess what!?!?! Andrew got accepted to A&M!!! Woohoo! It was really sweet to be with him when he got the great news. Don't think any hug could top that one, he was way excited and squeezed a little too tight. haha. But yes, we're all very proud of him. :)

Silliness with Codykins:
I was tyring to get a recent picture of Cody and I last week, but he just refused to cooperate. This was the best one I got of the day lol. Mostly cute because I look good and Cody seems to be saying, "Whaaaat?" haha. Silly boy.
Got her to smile!!!
While babysitting Joy, Charlie, and Ty, I managed to get a cute picture of Joy and I. Woohoo! Isn't she a cutie? This took a lot of playing peekaboo and tickling to get a smile out of her. Fun times.

Here's that Tiger I promised everyone:
I know I said I would upload this sooner, but I totally forgot. So here it is! The masterpiece that Andrew and I started, and I finished. Pretty cool, huh? But shhh, don't tell anyone that it was a Paint-by-Number painting. ;)


Gosh Time Flies!

Wow! Freshman year of college is already over! Yippee! Crossing my fingers about finals and grades. It was so great walking out of there Monday afternoon knowing I would never have to attend UTD again. For those of you that know me and keep in touch, you would understand why I was not a fan of it. But yes, I was excited and ready to go home and crash, afterall, I had only slept four hours that night due to hours of studying and cramming. So I got home, did a few chores, and tried to take a nap. Not my lucky nap day. Instead I watched Desperate Housewives and waited for Andrew to get out of school.

Oh yes! Andrew doesn't have track practice anymore so we got to hang out a bit before I had to go to work. Then it was work for a couple hours. Actually stayed for about three, but it was all good.

So I got home and the family went out ot dinner. That was nice. With all our busy schedules and work we don't get to sit down every night and have dinner like we used to, so dinner was fun family time.

Tuesday was great! I went to work without any school work in my bag- Sweetness! Instead, I got to smother poor little Cody with tons more hugs and kisses and airplane rides than I usually give him. Also got a chance to work on getting caught up on Lost. I'm so behind. I barely finished the first season tonight and I have to get through the rest in ten days! Wish me luck lol.

Wednesday- First day to finally be able to sleep in. Oh it was heavenly. I still woke up at 6 because my internal clock was unfortunately on, but I quickly fell back asleep and slept until 10. Oh yes, very relaxing. So I started cleaning out the media room closet. It was scary in there. We used to be able to walk into it, but not after the tornado that ripped through it. But good news everyone! I got a ton of books and old toys boxed up to go and the closet is a walk in closet again! Yay! lol. After cleaning up a bit, Andrew picked me up and we went to Strikes, where Andrew became a 2 for 2 Deal or No Deal CHAMP! Yup thats right! First game- he won all 200 points. Second game- we decided to do a double game and he won 400 points! I've never seen so many tickets come out of a machine in my life! So that was cool. Then church was fun, got to visit the jr high group with the graduating sixth graders. I didn't realize how much I had missed being a leader in the jr high, so that was a little sad. But I love my J56 girls :) we have a ton of fun laughing, sharing, and learning about our Father. My little girls are such a blessing. After church I went out with David, Jamie, Chris, and Bill. Fun time catching up and chillin at Chili's.

So now it's Thursday. Pretty fun day. Managed to wake up by myself before my alarm, even though I only went to sleep at 1 am. Chilled with Cody at work, watched more Lost, and finished a paint-by-number picture of three tigers Andrew and I had started like five months ago. It looks really cool! Wish I could say I did it all by hand with no little guidelines, but oh well. Not my gift I guess, no worries. I'll upload a picture of it tomorrow. I'm too tired right now. But poor baby Cody. Today he woke up crying from his afternoon nap an hour too early. I think he had a bad dream or something, because I just held him, rocked him, and sang to him for a few minutes and he calmed down. I'm pretty sure the rocking did the trick cuz Lord knows my singing voice is not the greatest haha.

Alright, well this was a long blog. Hope I can keep up in the future. Nighty night everyone :)

This weekend was quite the adventure. I had agreed to take care of an 8 month old little boy named Tanner while his mom volunteered in the MS150 all day long, and I mean ALL day long. Here’s a little snippet of my Saturday…

5:00 am: My alarm rings telling me I have to get up and rush to get ready. I have to leave by 5 30 to go to the Embassy Suites and pick up Tanner (oh and Tanner’s family is form out of town, that explains why I went to the hotel). Anyways, I hit the snooze button a few times so now it was 5:20. I leapt out of bed and put on some comfortable sweats and then made my way to the hotel.

5:42 am: I pull up to the hotel driveway, well actually to the twenty car line that was in front. Remember, it was the MS 150 (I don’t know what that stands for), so there were a ton of people with their professional looking bikes getting unloaded. So I left my car there and walked up to the valet guy. I tried giving him my keys and explaining that he needed to just put it on The Alexander bill because they would be paying for it. He looked at me like I was crazy. “Um, you want valet?” Well duh! Why else would I be handing you my keys and explaining what room to put it on!? “Uh, yes. I need to get upstairs right now, I have work.” He still looked at me like I was crazy. “You do know that it is $14, right?” “Yes I do! I need to go now, so please take my car.” “Ok.” Gosh, I know I was in sweats and didn’t look like I was the valet type, but seriously? Gah, he irked me.

5:45 am: I finally get up to room 826 where Tammy was still getting ready. The boys, Tanner, 8 weeks, and Reed, four years old, were just waking up. Now remember, the sun still hasn’t come up, what are these boys doing awake so early!!? So Tammy leaves me with the boys and I get them ready for the day. Changed out of jammies and got the stroller all saddled up. You should have seen us, I was pushing an overloaded stroller and poor little Reed had to drag his booster seat behind him. Oh it was a sight.

7:10 am: We are finally in the lobby of the hotel and it is swarming with people and bikes. I get out to the driveway and expect to get my car easily and get out of there as soon as possible. Boy was I wrong. The driveway was full of people and the valet guys were nowhere to be found. After searching the crowd a few minutes I finally found the guy and he went to get my car. As he came around the drive, he honked and bikers moved out the way. It was like the parting of the Red Sea! Except now all the million eyes there were on me and the boys. So now I’m frantically loading up the car, putting the baby carrier in the car, and trying to get Reed’s seat belt on. Ok everyone’s in the car and now I just had to fold up the stroller. Ha, I say it like it’s supposed to be an easy task. WRONG! That stroller was a nightmare! It wouldn’t fold up for the life of me! After seeing me struggle with it for a few minutes, one of the valet guys came over and tried helping me out. So now he’s trying to fix the stroller and Tanner starts crying. I told Reed to help him out, and he, God love him, unbuckles himself, dumps the diaper bag out all over the back seat, and finds a pacifier for his little brother. Thankfully that made Tanner happy, but now the back seat was flying. So I got Reed buckled in again, and the stroller was still an issue. I had given up on it and just told the nice valet to just keep it there. But this time, yet another valet dude came to help out. Oh and remember, a million eyes were still on me, and it felt like they were burning right through me. Finally, that possessed stroller decided to cooperate and managed to fold down and fit in the car. After thanking the nice man at the valet for all of his help- oh and it wasn’t the same one from earlier who thought I was nuts for wanting him to take my car- I drove off into the sunrise to take Reed to his friend’s house.

8:00 am: Dropped Reed off at Jackson’s house and drove home. Phewf, got the baby and all of his gear unloaded in the house. I plopped down for a bit to just get myself together and catch my breath. The rest of the day was not too bad. I had a lot of help from my aunt, Valery, and parents, so I even got a chance to shower and actually get ready for the day. But wow, all this happened and it was only 8:30. Lucky for me, Andrew came over a little later and we chilled.

By 5:30 we were dropping Tanner back off with his mom and brother, and Andrew and I went to dinner, even topped of the night with a Cheesecake Factory slice of Godiva cheesecake. Oh it was heavenly, especially after a long day taking care of a baby. We usually don’t splurge on dessert or dinner, but it was our ninth month-aversary and we had a mini celebration. The rest of the night was spent talking and catching up on Lost. Yay! I’m on my sixth episode of the first season! Lol. Ya, it’ll be a while until I actually catch up.