A year ago on August 1st, Andrew met me at my neighborhood park where we sat on the swings and with a serious towards sad look on his face, he said, "I don't think our relationship right now is gonna work out for me anymore.....will you be my girlfriend?" After choking on a possible tear I hugged him so tight and said "Yes." Ok well actually said yes after a few moments of being speechless lol.

The past 12 months have been absolutely fantastic and amazing. :) I couldn't ask for a more amazing and wonderful boyfriend and best friend. I thank God for him every day.

So a couple weeks ago he told me on August 1st we are waking up early and watching our first sunrise. So at 5:30 am I was already showered and getting ready to be out the door. He picked me up and we watched the sunrise :) It was Gorgeous!!! It was so, so beautiful! Here are some pictures :)


After watching the beautiful sunrise, Andrew took me out to have breakfast at La Madeline. It was yummy. Then we went to church, which was so nice because we hadn't been to church together in seven weeks! Then we went out to lunch with my family and celebrated my Aunt Ariana's birthday. That was fun :) Then we headed back to my house and just chilled the rest of the day.

But wait, the date wasn't over. We even had a candlelit dinner :) That was a first for us. And very special. :) Overall it was a very special and beautiful day spent with my best friend. :) Thanks babes!!!!!!